How to use the Palace API Web Service
(Mobile Inspection)
Palace offers the ability to perform various functions through a secure API Web Service (SOAP). Major features of this service include...
- Agents (Including Archived) - Summary Sync
- Owners (Including Archived) - Detailed Sync
- Property (Including Archived) - Detailed Sync
- Tenancy (Including Archived) - Detailed Sync
- Inspection (Scheduled / Charge) - Detailed Sync
- Inspection (PDF Document) - Import / Update
The following will provide in depth details about the operations provided by the service and how to use them to integrate successfully with any third party software.
Service Location
The Palace API Web Service is currently located at...
New Zealand -
Australia -
NOTE: This service uses an SSL Certificate for Transport Security with Basic Authentication. Please contact for a developer username and password to a Demonstration database to test your integration.
Public Data Contracts
ViewAllDetailedAgent (A list of 'AgentCodes' and other Agent fields can be obtained from the 'GetViewAllDetailedAgent' Operation Contract. An 'AgentCode' can then be passed back into the 'ProcessPropertyDiaryExternalFile' Operation Contracts.)
- AgentCode - STRING (Internal unique code generated by Palace. Used to identify an Agent within Palace to the corresponding database entry.)
- AgentAddress - STRING (Agent Address)
- AgentFullName - STRING (Agent 'Full Name')
- AgentFirstName - STRING (Agent 'First Name')
- AgentLastName - STRING (Agent 'Last Name')
- AgentDateStarted - STRING (Agent 'Date Started'.)
- AgentEmail1 - STRING (Agent 'Email 1')
- AgentEmail2 - STRING (Agent 'Email 2')
- AgentFax - STRING (Agent 'Fax')
- AgentMobile - STRING (Agent 'Mobile')
- AgentPhoneHome - STRING (Agent 'Phone - Home')
- AgentPhoneWork - STRING (Agent 'Phone - Work')
- AgentPosition - STRING (Agent 'Position')
- AgentTitle - STRING (Agent 'Title')
- AgentPaymentType - STRING (Agent 'Payment Type')
- AgentArchived - Boolean (Agent Archived)
- AgentChangeCode - Long ('Change Code')
ViewAllDetailedOwner (A full list of 'Owner Codes' and other Owner Fields can be obtained from the 'GetViewAllDetailedOwner' Operation Contract. This operation can be used to sync the entire 'Owner list' to a third party system with the following fields.
- OwnerCode - STRING (Internal unique code generated by Palace. Used to identify a Owner within Palace to the corresponding database entry.)
- OwnerSortCode - STRING (Generally set the same as the users 'Surname'. This can also be an alternate alpha code to sort and identify an owner)
- OwnerTitle - STRING ('Title' used for correspondence)
- OwnerLastName - STRING ('Last Name')
- OwnerFirstName - STRING ('First Name')
- OwnerFullName - STRING ('Full Name')
- OwnerAddress - STRING ('Address')
- OwnerServiceAddress - STRING ('Service Address')
- OwnerPhoneHome - STRING ('Phone - Home')
- OwnerEmail1 - STRING ('Email 1')
- OwnerEmail2 - STRING ('Email 2')
- OwnerPhoneWork - STRING ('Phone - Work')
- OwnerMobile - STRING ('Phone - Mobile')
- OwnerFax - STRING ('Fax')
- OwnerOpeningBalance - DOUBLE ('Opening Balance')
- OwnerCurrentBalance - DOUBLE ('Current Balance')
- OwnerPaymentType - STRING ('Payment Type')
- OwnerPrimaryAgentCode - STRING ('Primary Agent - Code')
- OwnerStatementMedia - STRING ('Statement Media')
- OwnerLastTransactionDate - STRING ('Last Transaction Date')
- OwnerPaymentFrequency - STRING ('Payment Frequency')
- OwnerStatementType - STRING ('Statement Type')
- OwnerEndDate - STRING ('Owner Date Ended')
- OwnerInsuranceCompany - STRING ('Insurance Company Name')
- OwnerInsuranceExcess - DOUBLE ('Insurance Company Excess')
- OwnerIncludeAlternateStatement - BOOLEAN ('Include Alternate Statement')
- OwnerChangeCode - LONG ('Change Code')
- OwnerArchived - BOOLEAN ('Archived')
NOTE: 'OwnerChangeCode' allows developers to only update changed records if this information is recorded against the 'OwnerCode'. If this information has not changed for a previous sync. then no update is required within the 3rd party system.
NOTE: Generally only records with OwnerArchived = 0 require replication
ViewAllDetailedProperty (A full list of 'Property Codes' and other Property Fields can be obtained from the 'GetViewAllDetailedProperty' Operation Contract. This operation can be used to sync the entire 'Property list' to a third party system with the following fields.
- PropertyCode - STRING (Internal unique code generated by Palace. Used to identify a Property within Palace to the corresponding database entry.)
- PropertySortCode - STRING (Generally set the same as 'PropertyAddress2'. This can also be an alternate alpha code to sort and identify an owner)
- PropertyUnit - STRING ('Property Unit')
- PropertyAddress1 - STRING ('Street No.')
- PropertyAddress2 - STRING ('Suburb')
- PropertyAddress3 - STRING ('Region / State')
- PropertyAddress4 - STRING ('Country')
- PropertyStatus - STRING ('Property Status' (Active / Inactive))
- PropertyNotes - STRING ('Notes')
- PropertyStartDate - STRING ('Start Date')
- PropertyDateAvailable - STRING ('Date Available')
- PropertyOpeningBalance - DOUBLE ('Opening Balance')
- PropertyCurrentBalance - DOUBLE ('Current Balance')
- PropertyArchived - BOOLEAN ('Archived')
- PropertyRentalPeriod - STRING ('Rental Period)
- PropertyRentAmount - DOUBLE ('Rent Amount')
- PropertyCommissionPercent - DOUBLE ('Commission Percent')
- PropertyMaintenanceFeePercent - DOUBLE ('Maintenance Percent')
- PropertyPhone - STRING ('Property Phone')
- PropertyGrid - STRING ('Property Grid')
- PropertyName - STRING ('Property Name')
- PropertyAdvert - STRING ('Property Advert')
- PropertyChangeCode - LONG ('Property Change Code')
- PropertyOwnerCode - STRING ('Owner Code')
- PropertyAgentFullName - STRING ('Email 1')
- PropertyAgentEmail1 - STRING ('Email 1')
- PropertyAgentEmail2 - STRING ('Email 2)
- PropertyPostCode - STRING ('Post Code')
- PropertyKeyNo - STRING ('Key No.')
- PropertyKeyAccess - STRING ('Access Instructions')
ViewAllDetailedTenancy (A full list of 'Tenancy Codes' and other Tenancy Fields can be obtained from the 'GetViewAllDetailedTenancy' Operation Contract. This operation can be used to sync the entire 'Tenancy list' to a third party system with the following fields.
- TenancyCode- STRING (Internal unique code generated by Palace. Used to identify a Tenancy within Palace to the corresponding database entry.)
- TenancySortCode - STRING (Generally set the same as 'Head Tenant Surname'. This can also be an alternate alpha code to sort and identify an owner)
- TenancyName - STRING ('Tenancy Name')
- TenancyContactPhone1- STRING ('Contact Ph. 1')
- TenancyContactPhone2- STRING ('Contact Ph. 2')
- TenancyContactAddress- STRING ('Contact Address')
- TenancyContactFax - STRING ('Contact Fax')
- TenancyContactEmail - STRING ('Contact Email')
- TenancyLastPaymentDate - STRING ('Last Payment Date')
- TenancyRentPaidToDate - STRING ('Rent Paid To Date)
- TenancyRentPaidToLastMonth - STRING ('Rent Paid To Last Month')
- TenancyDateStarted - STRING ('Date Started')
- TenancyDateEnded - STRING ('Date Ended')
- TenancyLeaseDateEnded - STRING ('Lease End Date')
- TenancyCurrentRent - DOUBLE ('Rent Amount')
- TenancyRentalPeriod - STRING ('Rent Period')
- TenancyNote - STRING ('Tenancy Note')
- TenancyRentOwing - DOUBLE ('Rent Owing')
- TenancyOtherOwing - DOUBLE ('Other Owing')
- TenancyRentPartPayment - DOUBLE ('Part Payment')
- TenancyArchived - BOOLEAN ('Archived')
- TenancyChangeCode - LONG ('Tenancy Change Code')
- PropertyCode - STRING ('Property Code')
- TenancyTenants[] (Multiple Tenants)
- TenantLastName - STRING ('Tenant Last Name')
- TenantFirstName - STRING ('Tenant First Name')
- TenantFullName - STRING ('Tenant Full Name')
- TenantPhoneHome - STRING ('Phone - Home')
- TenantPhoneWork- STRING ('Phone - Work')
- TenantPhoneMobile- STRING ('Phone - Mobile')
- TenantFax - STRING ('Fax')
- TenantEmail - STRING ('Email')
- TenantAddressPostal - STRING ('Postal Address')
- TenantAddressService- STRING ('Service Address')
- TenantHead - BOOLEAN ('Service Address')
ViewAllDetailedInspection (A list of 'InspectionCodes' and other Inspection fields can be obtained from the 'GetViewAllDetailedInspection' Operation Contract.
- InspectionCode - STRING (Internal unique code generated by Palace. Used to identify an Inspection within Palace to the corresponding database entry linked to Property and Tenancy.)
- InspectionDate - STRING (Inspection Date)
- InspectionChargeAmount - Double (Inspection 'Charge Amount')
- InspectionFrequencyNo - STRING (Agent 'Frequency of Inspection' per Period')
- InspectionFrequencyPeriod - STRING (Inspection 'Frequency Period')
- InspectionManagementType - STRING (Inspection 'Management Type')
- PropertyCode - STRING (Linked to 'Property')
- TenancyCode - STRING (Linked to 'Tenancy')
PropertyDiaryExternalFile (Used as an object parameter to process into the 'ProcessPropertyDiaryExternalFile' Operation Contract... In the case of this operation, the file will be the 'Inspection Document in PDF Format'. This operation generates a 'Diary Entry' in the 'Property Diary' within Palace.)
- DiaryPropertyCode - STRING (Provided by the 'Synced' data on the 'Mobile Device'.)
- DiaryDescription - STRING (Entered (Or Set) by user on Mobile Device. Generally the Description on the Mobile Inspection.)
- DiaryAgentCode - STRING (Provided by the 'Synced' data on the 'Mobile Device'.)
- DiaryGroupCode - STRING (Can be set to the text 'INSPECTION' or a Valid GUID (Format = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)... Use Third Party GUID to update an existing inspection. NOTE: The initial inspection has to have had a GUID passed in on creation. Passing the same GUID in will update the existing inspection rather than creating a new one)
- DiaryGroupOnline - STRING ('True' / 'False' - Selected (Or Set) by user on Mobile Device.)
- DiaryImage - BYTE ARRAY (Inspection Document in PDF Format streamed as Byte Array.)
Public Operation Contracts
TestServiceConnectionReturnUserName Used to test the service and authentication details. Returns the 'Username' of the 'Authenticated User' when successful. (No Input Parameters)
GetViewAllDetailedAgent Returns an Array of 'ViewAllDetailedAgent' from the database. See 'ViewAllDetailedAgent' in Public Classes for details. (No Input Parameters)
GetViewAllDetailedOwner Returns an Array of 'ViewAllDetailedOwner' from the database. (No Input Parameters).
GetViewAllDetailedProperty Returns an Array of 'ViewAllDetailedProperty' from the database. (No Input Parameters).
GetViewAllDetailedTenancy Returns an Array of 'ViewAllDetailedTenancy' from the database and for each one returns an Array of 'TenancyTenants'. (No Input Parameters).
GetViewAllDetailedInspection Returns an Array of 'ViewAllDetailedInspection' objects from the system. Input Parameter (String) = strIncludeCasual ('True' or 'False').
ProcessPropertyDiaryExternalFile Inserts or Updates (with GUID) a Diary Entry into the 'Diary' of a 'Property' with the Inspection attached in PDF format. ('PropertyDiaryExternalFile' Object input. See 'PropertyDiaryExternalFile' in Public Classes for details.) (Returns 'Success' Status.)
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