How to use the Palace API Web Service (Owners)
Palace offers the ability to perform various functions through a secure API Web Service. This article describes the REST endpoint and contracts for 'Owners' in Palace.
- Owners List (Sync)
- Owner Insert
GET (Detailed List of 'Owners')
(No Parameters)
Field Name | Definition |
OwnerCode | Internal unique code generated by Palace. Used to identify a Owner within Palace to the corresponding database entry. |
OwnerSortCode | Generally set the same as the users 'Surname'. This can also be an alternate alpha code to sort and identify an owner |
OwnerTitle | 'Title' used for correspondence |
OwnerLastName | Owner 'Last Name' |
OwnerFirstName | Owner 'First Name' |
OwnerFullName | Owner 'Full Name' |
OwnerAddress | Owner 'Postal Address' |
OwnerServiceAddress | Owner 'Service Address |
OwnerPhoneHome | Owner 'Home Phone' number |
OwnerEmail1 | Owner 'Primary' email address |
OwnerEmail2 | Owner 'Secondary' email address |
OwnerPhoneWork | Owner 'Work Phone' Number |
OwnerMobile | Owner 'Mobile' number |
OwnerFax | Owner 'Fax' number |
OwnerOpeningBalance | Owner 'Opening Balance' for the current month |
OwnerCurrentBalance | Owner 'Current Balance' for the current month |
OwnerPaymentType | How the Owner is paid (only options below):
OwnerPrimaryAgentCode | Primary 'Property Manager' looking after this owner
Code can be obtained from GET (Following contract): NZ AUS |
OwnerStatementMedia |
How the Owner is sent his statement (only options below):
NOTE: (Alt) stands for 'Alternate Address' |
OwnerLastTransactionDate | The 'Last Transaction' initiated against this 'Owner' |
OwnerPaymentFrequency | How often the 'Owner' is paid (only options below):
OwnerStatementType | Owner Statement Type (only options below):
OwnerEndDate | Date the 'Management Contract' expires |
OwnerInsuranceCompany | Owner's Insurance Company Name |
OwnerInsuranceExcess | Owner's Insurance Excess |
OwnerIncludeAlternateStatement | Include 'Month End' alternate 'Name & Address' in Month End 'Statement Run' |
OwnerChangeCode | 'OwnerChangeCode' allows developers to only update changed records if this information is recorded against the 'OwnerCode'. If this information has not changed for a previous sync then no update is required within the 3rd party system. |
OwnerArchived | Indicates if the 'Owner' is archived or not (yes / no) |
POST (Service Name 'v2InsertOwner')
XSD Definition
(NOTE: Non-Mandatory elements may be missing, but existing elements must be in the correct order as listed below)
Red = Mandatory
Blue = Date Formats (Must be yyyy-MM-dd)
Field Name | Definition |
OwnerAddress | Owner Address / Postal Address for Owner |
OwnerAlternateAddress | Alternate Address (can sometimes be name and address of 'Accountant') |
OwnerComments | Notes or Comments against owner |
OwnerCompanyDescription | If the Owner is a company, this is a description of the company |
OwnerCompanyTypeOfBusiness | If the Owner is a company, this is the type of business |
OwnerCountryCode | Country Code ('NZ' or 'Australia') |
OwnerCustom1 | If a 'Custom Field' is setup in the database, this will be the value of the custom field |
OwnerCustom2 | If a 'Custom Field' is setup in the database, this will be the value of the custom field |
OwnerCustom3 | If a 'Custom Field' is setup in the database, this will be the value of the custom field |
OwnerCustom4 | If a 'Custom Field' is setup in the database, this will be the value of the custom field |
OwnerCustom5 | If a 'Custom Field' is setup in the database, this will be the value of the custom field |
OwnerCustom6 | If a 'Custom Field' is setup in the database, this will be the value of the custom field |
OwnerCustom7 | If a 'Custom Field' is setup in the database, this will be the value of the custom field |
OwnerCustom8 | If a 'Custom Field' is setup in the database, this will be the value of the custom field |
OwnerCustom9 | If a 'Custom Field' is setup in the database, this will be the value of the custom field |
OwnerDear | For mail merge (generally first name) |
OwnerEmail1 | Email Address (Primary) |
OwnerEmail2 | Email Address (Secondary) |
OwnerEndDate | Date the 'Management Contract' expires |
OwnerFax | Owner's Fax Number |
OwnerFirstName | Owner's First Name |
OwnerFullName | Owner's Full Name |
OwnerGSTExempt | If the owner is tagged as 'GST Exempt' ('true' or 'false') |
OwnerHideBankAccount | Hide the owner's bank account from the 'Statement' ('true' or 'false') |
OwnerIncludeAlternateStatement | Owner wants a second statement sent to an alternate address ('true' or 'false') |
OwnerInitials | Owner's initials |
OwnerInsuranceCompany | Owner's insurance company |
OwnerInsuranceExcess | Owner's insurance excess |
OwnerIsCompany | Is this 'Owner' a company ('true' or 'false') |
OwnerLastName | Owner's last name |
OwnerMailMerge | Is this Owner to be included in batch 'Mail Merge' routines |
OwnerMobile | Owner's Mobile Number |
OwnerOurCode | Owner's user code (if required) |
OwnerPaymentFrequency |
How often the 'Owner' is paid (only options below):
OwnerPaymentType |
How the Owner is paid (only options below):
OwnerPhoneHome | Owner's home phone number |
OwnerPhoneWork | Owner's work phone number |
OwnerPrimaryAgentCode |
Primary 'Property Manager' looking after this owner Code can be obtained from GET (Following contract): NZ AUS |
OwnerProspect | Is the Owner a 'Prospect' |
OwnerSortCode | Sort code (generally this is the 'Owner' surname) |
OwnerSplitPayment | Allow a separate payment on the Owner's statement for each 'Property' ('true' or 'false') |
OwnerStartDate | Start date of the 'Management Contract' |
OwnerStatementMedia |
How the Owner is sent his statement (only options below):
NOTE: (Alt) stands for 'Alternate Address' |
OwnerStatementMessage | Show's as a personal message to the Owner on the 'Statement' |
OwnerStatementType |
Owner Statement Type (only options below):
OwnerSystemBankCode | Code can be obtained from GET (Following contract):
OwnerTitle | Title of the Owner (e.g. Mr, Mrs, Miss etc...) |
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